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Network Coordinators

HucklesbyProfessor Anthea Hucklesby

Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Leeds
Deputy Director of the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

Anthea Hucklesby is Professor of Criminal Justice at the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, School of Law and Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation at the University of Leeds, UK. She has undertaken research and published in a range of areas in the criminal justice process including electronic monitoring, police and court bail, drug misuse in prison, pre-trial drugs intervention, prisoners’ resettlement, community sentences and private and third sector involvement in criminal justice. She has recently lead a European Commission Directorate of Justice funded project on ‘Creativity and effectiveness in the use of electronic monitoring as an alternative to imprisonment in EU member states’ (JUST/2013/JPEN/AG/4510) (see

Her recent books include: A. Hucklesby and E. Wincup, (eds) (2010) Drug Interventions in Criminal Justice, Open University Press; A. Hucklesby (2011) Bail Support Schemes for Adults, Policy Press, A. Crawford and A. Hucklesby (eds) (2013) Legitimacy and Compliance in Criminal Justice, Routledge and A. Hucklesby and M. Corcoran (eds) (2015) The Voluntary Sector and Criminal Justice. She has also published a trio of articles on electronic monitoring: A. Hucklesby, (2008) ‘Vehicles of Desistance: the impact of electronically monitored curfew orders’, Criminology and Criminal Justice, 8(1): 51-71; A. Hucklesby (2009) ‘Understanding offenders’ compliance: a case study of electronically monitored curfew orders’, Journal of Law and Society, 36(2): 248-71 and A. Hucklesby (2011) ‘The Nightlife of Electronic Monitoring Officers’, Criminal Justice, 11(1): 1-18 and contributed a chapter on ‘Insiders’ Views of Electronically Monitored Curfew Orders’ in M. Nellis, K. Beyens and D. Kaminski (eds) (2012) Electronically Monitored Punishment: International and Critical Perspectives, Routledge. She is currently editing a companion volume to the Voluntary Sector and Criminal Justice on the Private Sector and Criminal Justice with Stuart Lister which is due to be published in 2016.

macnishDr Kevin Macnish

Teaching Fellow and Consultant in Applied Ethics, University of Leeds

Kevin Macnish’s research is in the ethics of surveillance, security and technology. He is the author of numerous articles on surveillance ethics and has organised two international conferences on this subject at the University of Leeds. Kevin has been interviewed by BBC national radio and television and the Atlantic magazine, and has spoken at both the House of Commons and the House of Lords in relation to his research. A witness to the Select Committee on Science and Technology, he was quoted several times in the committee's final report on social media and data analysis.

Kevin also conducts ethical analysis for security and ICT projects. He has been involved with a number of European Union FP-7 projects and is an independent Ethics Expert with REA, the research arm of the European Commission, for Horizon 2020 projects.

Research interests: Applied ethics in the areas of: surveillance, security, technology, social media; professional ethics in computing and engineering.  Kevin shares his time between lecturing on ethics in engineering and computer science, leading modules for the MA APE, and undertaking consultancy work with an ethical focus.

Kevin’s recent publications include: Macnish, K. (2015) An Eye for an Eye: Proportionality and Surveillance. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 18 (5); Macnish, K. (2014) The Ethics of Social Networks and Mining, in Alhajj, R. and Rokne, J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, New York: Springer; Macnish, K. (2014) Just Surveillance? Towards a Normative Theory of Surveillance. Surveillance and Society. 12 (1), 142–153; Macnish, K. (2012) Unblinking Eyes: The Ethics of Automating Surveillance. Ethics and Information Technology, 14 (2): 151-167; Macnish, K. (2011) Surveillance Ethics, in: Fieser, J. and Dowden, B. (eds.) Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Steering group

Dr Ray Holt

Deputy Director of Institute of Design, Robotics and Optimisation, University of Leeds

Ray Holt is interested in the human factors of decision support - the need for tools that can actually fit in with design practices rather than needing to dictate them. Ray’s research is principally concerned with the mechanics of prehension: the ability to grasp and manipulate objects around us. Almost every daily activity relies on a degree of dexterity and manual capability, from feeding and dressing oneself to writing and interacting with technology. When this is impaired (whether due to injury or illness), the consequences are severe.

Ray works closely with psychologists, physiotherapists, clinicians and sociologists to develop workable technologies, and ensure that the systems developed are driven by the needs of end users rather than by technological considerations. To this end, Ray is part of both the multidisciplinary Perception Action Cognition lab and the Centre for Disability Studies as well as institutes within Engineering.

Ray is a lecturer on the Product Design programme at Leeds and teaches mechanical design and ergonomics to undergraduate Product Design and Mechanical Engineering students, as well as supervising dissertation projects on the subjects of ergonomics and inclusive design.

Professor Justin KeenProfessor Justin Keen

Professor of Health Politics, University of Leeds

Justin Keen is Professor of Health Politics in the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences. Justin has two principal research interests.  The first is in the governance of the delivery of health care, and in particular in patients' journeys through services, ways in which institutional arrangements influences those journeys, and the implications for patient safety.  The second area of interest is in the governance of information technologies in health care.  He is currently working on ways of understanding why we have the - often cumbersome - technologies that are common across health care systems, drawing on historical institutional and other frameworks.  He is also interested in the clashes of values underlying current debates about the ownership and uses of personal health information. He is currently working on an HS&DR study of dashboards in acute hospitals, an EPSRC study of intelligent infrastructures for the analysis of longitudinal data, and the Leeds MRC Medical Bioinformatics Centre.

Justin’s recent articles include: West R. M., House, A. O., Keen, J. and Ward, V. L. (2015) Using the structure of social networks to map inter-agency relationships in public health services. Social Science and Medicine, 145: 107-114; Greenhalgh, T. and Keen, J. (2014) Personalising NHS information technology in England: The latest framework for action has learnt few lessons from recent failures. BMJ (Online): 349; Ward, V., West, R., Smith, S., McDermott, S., Keen, J., Pawson, R. and House, A. (2014) The role of informal networks in creating knowledge among health-care managers: a prospective case study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 2 (12); Wright, J., Dempster, P., Keen, J. R., Allen, P. and Hutchings, A. (2014) How should we evaluate the impacts of policy? The case of Payment by Results and the 18 Week Patient Pathway in English hospitals. Policy Studies. 35 (1): 59-78

Professor Mike NellisProfessor Mike Nellis

Emeritus Professor of Criminal and Community Justice, The Centre for Law, Crime & Justice, University of Strathclyde.

Mike Nellis is Emeritus Professor of Criminal and Community Justice. Mike was formerly a social worker with young offenders in London, has a PhD from the Institute of Criminology in Cambridge, and was involved in the training of probation officers at the University of Birmingham. He has written widely on the fortunes of the probation service, alternatives to imprisonment and particularly the electronic monitoring of offenders, on which he is an acknowledged expert. In respect of the latter, he has been actively involved since 2005 in the planning of a series of European conferences on EM, and between 2011-13 acted as one of two advisers to a Council of Europe Committee on Penal Affairs which drew up an ethical recommendation on EM, for circulation in the Council’s member countries. He teaches a Master’s degree course on “surveillance, technology and criminal justice” studies in the Strathclyde Law School. He has recently co-edited Electronically Monitored Punishment: international and critical perspectives, with Belgian colleagues Kristel Beyens and Dan Kaminski.

John Potter


John Potter’s biography will be available soon.

Professor Tom SorellProfessor Tom Sorell

Professor of Politics and Philosophy, University of Warwick

Tom Sorell is Professor of Politics and Philosophy and Head of the Interdisciplinary Ethics Research Group in the department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick. He was an RCUK Global Uncertainties Leadership Fellow (2013-2016). Previously, he was John Ferguson Professor of Global Ethics and Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Ethics, University of Birmingham. Before that he was Co-Director of the Human Rights Centre, University of Essex. In 1996-7 he was Fellow in Ethics at Harvard. He was also the Tang Chun-I Visiting Professor in Philosophy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013.

He has published extensively in moral and political philosophy, including four books, and dozens of journal articles. His most recent published work takes up (i) moral and political issues raised by emergencies, including terrorist emergencies; (ii) microfinance and human rights; (iii) human rights and hactivism; and (iv) the defensibiity of preventive justice.

He has worked on many European and RCUK funded research projects. He has also served as a consultant on security-sensitive material in UK universities and on the committee advising the AHRC on the Internet of Things.

Tom’s recent publications include: Amirabdollahian, F., Akker, R., Bedaf, S., Bormann, R., Draper, H., Evers, V., Gallego Pérez, J., Gelderblom, G., Gutierrez Ruiz, C., Hewson, D., Hu, N., Koay, K., Kröse, B., Lehmann, H., Marti, P., Michel, H., Prevot-Huille, H., Reiser, U., Saunders, J., Sorell, T., Stienstra, J., Syrdal, D., Walters, M. and Dautenhahn, K. (2013) Assistive technology design and development for acceptable robotics companions for aging years’ PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 4 (2): 94-112; Draper, H. and Sorell, T. (2013) Telecare, remote monitoring and care. Bioethics. 27 (7): 365-372; Sorell, T. (2013) Minority rights. In: Foisneau, L., Arroyo, V. and Hiebaum, C. (eds.) Spheres of global justice, Hamburg: Springer: 155-164; Oakley, N. and Sorell, T. (2012) Medical repatriation: the need for a bigger picture. American Journal of Bioethics. 12 (9): 8-9 and Sorell, T. and Draper, H. (2012) Telecare, surveillance and the welfare state. American Journal of Bioethics. 12 (9): 36-44